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更新時間:2011-07-08 17:35 來源: 作者: 閱讀:1680 網(wǎng)友評論0





會議指導委員會匯聚共48位來自各國的固體廢物管理與處理技術(shù)的專家學者,清華大學環(huán)境科學與工程研究院院長郝吉明院士擔任大會指導委員會主席,清華大學環(huán)境學院、巴塞爾公約亞太地區(qū)協(xié)調(diào)中心執(zhí)行秘書李金惠教授任大會主席。同時,本屆會議并邀請了其中的以下二十余位國際知名專家學者參與本屆會議并做主題報告,如:美國麻省理工學院(MIT)Randolph E. Kirchain教授、日本材料循環(huán)與廢物管理學會主席 酒井伸一(Shin-ichi Sakai)教授、荷蘭代爾夫特工業(yè)大學Albert Leendert Nicolas Stevels教授、北海道大學 Fumikazu Yoshida教授、臺北科技大學 張?zhí)頃x教授、美國休斯敦市固體廢物管理局副局長 Chen Edward T先生、美國馬里蘭州立大學巴爾的摩分校 Chang Chein-Chi教授、中國環(huán)境科學研究院固體廢物污染控制技術(shù)研究所所長 王琪研究員、同濟大學 趙由才教授、上海交通大學 許振明教授、以及來自國內(nèi)外多家著名高校及科研院所的專家學者。具體報告題目請見會議議程。


同時,為了使更多的代表有機會深入了解固體廢物處理行業(yè)技術(shù)現(xiàn)狀,本屆會議聯(lián)合蘇州市環(huán)保局等當?shù)刂鞴懿块T,設(shè)置業(yè)內(nèi)知名跨國企業(yè)技術(shù)參觀,例如:位于蘇州工業(yè)園區(qū)與蘇州新區(qū)的共4家電子廢物與廢物綜合利用的國際知名企業(yè),如蘇州偉翔電子廢棄物處理技術(shù)有限公司(TES-AMM E-Waste Treatment Technology Co.Ltd.)、蘇州同和資源綜合利用有限公司(DOWA ECO-System CO.Ltd.)等。
 The International Conference on Waste Management and Technology is held annually, organized by Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Asia and the Pacific (BCRC China). Science 2004, this annual conference has been hold successfully for 5 times and become a stage for specialists and officials to discuss scientific problems, to exchange experience, and to find innovative solution. Being approved by the Ministry of Environment Protection People’s Republic of China, the Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology will be hold in Aug. 30-Sep.01 in Suzhou.
 Enterprise exhibition is set especially in ICWMT 6 to promote the comunication among enterprises , officers and experts in this field.
   Support and sponsorship from the government
To provide communication opportunities for industry experts and government departments officers is one of the most mission of ICWMT. ICWMT 6 is supported by the Ministry of Environment Protection and also sponsored by local authorities, Suzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Suzhou Industry Park Environmental Protection Bureau.
Every time of ICWMT invited high level officers from Department of Environmental Protection to attend the conference, and delivered a speech on the status of industry guidance and outlook, which also reflects the attention and emphasis from competent authorities in this field.
   Professional and efficient corporate display, communication channels
Solid Waste Management and Technology International Conference held five times since 2004, has been taken the responsibility to promoted exchange between academia and industry to develop the field of solid waste management and technology. Therefore, ICWMT 6 arrange the session and invited leading business executives in this industry‘s to attend and give reports, and though other sessions, such like e-waste industry forum to provide deep communication and interaction platform between for production and research. And we also provide many ways to achieve corporate image display, such like enterprise exhibition and field trip.
ICWMT 6 cooperate with Suzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Suzhou Industry Park Environmental Protection Bureau to arrange the field trip of 4 outstanding Multinational in solid waste treatment field, such like TES-AMM E-Waste Treatment Technology Co.Ltd. and DOWA ECO-System CO.Ltd..

   The quickly and efficiently papers publishing and indexing channels
All papers accepted by Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology will be published by Scientific Research Publishing and indexed by ISTP(Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings, SCI and EI are listed as the three major index), and each paper will have a separate ISBN number and finish the index by ISTP in 2 months after the publishing of the proceedings. The below picture is the cover of the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology, and it has finished the publishing and indexing in March 2011, three months after the last conference.

 Lineup of top experts, cutting-edge platform for academic communication
The Steering Committee converged totally 48 outstanding experts and scholars from all over the world in solid waste treatment, Prof. Hao Jiming, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering undertaking the Chair of Steering Committee, and Prof. Jinhui Li from Tsinghua University, Executive Secretary of Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Asia and the Pacific, BCRC China undertaking the Chair of Conference. Also ICWMT 6 invites more than thirty experts and scholars to attend this conference and give speeches, such as Prof. Randolph E. Kirchain, MIT engineering systems division, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Principal Research Scientist, Materials Systems Laboratory; Prof. Shin-ichi Sakai, Chairman of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Kyoto University, Environment Preservation Center, Director of Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management; Prof. Albert Leendert Nicolas Stevels, Delft University of Technology; Prof. Fumikazu Yoshida from School of Public Policy Hokkaido University; Prof. Tien-Chin Chang for National Taipei University of Technology; Mr. Edward Chen form Deputy Director of Solid Waste Management Department, City of Houston, U.S.A.; Prof. Chang Chein-Chi, Ph.D. from University of Maryland; Prof. Wang Qi, Director of Institute of Solid Waste Management, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences ; Prof. Zhao Youcai, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University; Prof. Xu Zhenming, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and other experts from research institutions. Please the speeches title check from the agenda.
Best regards!

Sincerely ,
Conference Organizing Committee of ICWMT
YU Keli (Mr.) REN Junshu(Ms.)
Basel Convention Coordinating Center for Asia and the Pacific
School of Environment, Tsinghua University

Tel:  86-10-62794351
Fax:  86-10-62772048
Email: icwmt@tsinghua.edu.cn
Website: http://conf.bcrc.cn



關(guān)于“第六屆固體廢物管理與技術(shù)國際會議 ”評論
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